Arlington Residents visit Setagaya Mayor Hosaka
Setagaya line - Manekineko train
On July 28, 2022, Arlington residents, Junko Katada and Yoshimi Muto visited Setagaya, with SETCOM Setagaya residents, Risa Kamio and Mika Tamaki, Setagaya Mayor Hosaka, Setagaya Public Corporation for Industrial & Tourism Promotion. They made a presentation to the Mayor about Arlington County.
The Setagaya Public Corporation has been supportive to SETCOM effort for the partnership with Arlington and Setagaya. The new Director, Mr. Terasawa worked with Mr. Utsumi (Current Utsumi farm’s owner’s father) in his previous assignment. SETCOM briefed about the Urban Agriculture exchange project with Utsumi farm, as well as the upcoming Principal of Engei HS visit to Arlington.