AP Japanese
Introduction to AP Japanese Exam
Upcoming Info Session
Date TBD
Previous Info Session
October 17, 2020
7 pm (EST)
60 Minutes
Are you interested in taking the AP Japanese exam this year? The exam date will be on May 5, 2021. But the exam registration deadline is in the early November (varies by schools). If you wonder; whether you should take it or not, how to prepare, or what materials to use, please join us for this seminar. A teacher who teachers AP Japanese will provide information and answer your questions on the Zoom session.
Bring your questions to the webinar for a live Q&A session.
– Overview and history of AP Exam
– Exam Structure and Content
– Scores and College credit
Mr. Koji Otani
Japanese Teacher
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Mr. Otani began teaching in the Japanese immersion program at Floris Elementary School, then was named lead teacher. In 2006, he joined the staff at TJHSST, where he teaches Japanese 1, 2, 3, Advanced Placement, and 5.
As a professional educator, Mr. Otani has been a member of the SAT Japanese Exam Development Committee, an instructor in the Virginia Governor’s Japanese Language Academy, an Advanced Placement (AP) reader for the AP Japanese and Culture exam, co-chair of the AP Japanese and Culture Development Committee, an advisor to the Japanese Language Education Advocacy and Resource Network, a judge and evaluator of George Washington University’s J-Live Talk speech contest, and a member of the Junior Japan Bowl Development Committee.
He has written articles and given lectures, presentations, and reports related to teaching the Japanese language.
Local Media
INSIDE NOVA, November 27, 2018: Arlington Career Center picks up Japanese partner school
Sun Gazette Newspaper , May issue, 2018: Students Defend German, Japanese Language Study
ARLnow.com, May 7, 2018: Parents, Students Speak Out About APS Plan to Phase Out Japanese and German Language Classes